
Something looking at something

We do not know what angels see when they look at each other—nothing looking at nothing. In reality, it is something looking at something—conscious beings looking at conscious beings.••Uncreated light […]


Between birth and death

Our aim is to get all the presence we can between birth and death.•Uncreated Light reveals that we have transcended the system.••Time does not exist in eternity.•Whoever is smallest is […]


Immortal vision

Uncreated light is immortal vision.••Our lives are dedicated to Apollo, Influence C, and presence.•To control centers while talking, it can be helpful to put one’s hands in one’s pockets.••People cannot […]

Sculptures of Angels pointing upward

The Self

One has not met anyone until one meets one’s Self.••When experiencing suffering, try not to wish for it to go away or for the situation to be different; just accept […]



The lower self is an unconscious negative event. When it gets out, it tries to do as much damage as it can.••We have the freedom to make effort.•To be a […]

sleep and imagination


Sports are the opiate of the masses in our age.••The Immaculate Conception is Third Eye materialized with no imagination.•Remember, whenever you are dining, try not to be the one who […]

Self Knowledge - Teachings of Robert Earl Burton

Self Knowledge

Many ideas of the system can only be understood if one has had a legitimate experience with higher centers. * The knowledge we share is powerful because reality is a […]

Robert Earl Burton - Self Remembering - Laughing Buddha


You cannot touch great art unless you transform great suffering. * The one thing you don’t want to miss in your life is your own presence – if you miss […]

Robert Earl Burton – Recognizing the Self

Recognizing the Self

The lower self is satisfied with ideas, the Higher Self with reality. * One’s Self is like quiet water that is aware of itself. Among the many ‘I’s, which ones […]