Gods of Egypt

The best revenge

The best revenge is not to seek revenge.••Uncreated Light doesn’t need anything but itself.•The payment has to be real in order for the Gift to be real.••The lower self wants […]

A series of nows

Existence is a series of nows.••With uncreated light, presence governs imagination.•There can be nothing more exciting than being one’s Self.••The School is moving at the pace of sustaining presence rather […]


Create an astral body

We are in perfect circumstances to create an astral body.••This state, Uncreated Light, does not need friction.•The hardest thing to give up is imagination.••Life is desperate to be modern and […]


Transcend time

With presence divine, we transcend time.••The more you share the light, the stronger your light becomes.•There is a vast, enormous difference between words and reality.••The greatest blessing is to have what […]