
Know thyself and be thyself

Our desire to know thyself and be thyself is realized through Uncreated Light.••Imagination is far more dangerous than nuclear fall out—it has deadened over a hundred billion people.•It is easy […]


The supernatural state

At Apollo, we have Uncreated Light, the supernatural state.••Life prefers A influence to C influence. They prefer unconscious events to conscious events.•Nationalized identification with sports displaces Presence.•Very few people use […]


No wishes

No wishes, just acceptance.••Created light is absorbed by infinite light.•The sequence is virtual reality. Divine presence is reality.•The miraculous never ceases to become more miraculous.••You can use any of the arts […]


Become the light

We have become the light.••Who would not want to be simply present with angels around?••You do not realize how much you love a person until he dies.•Imagination is unconscious nonsense. […]