
Presence is soft and gentle

Presence is soft and gentle. The lower self is hard and abrasive.••Transformation of suffering has become a lifestyle.•We are under maximum pressure to produce Uncreated Light.•Man is an exceedingly shortsighted […]

hallway with opening

Journey to the present

The journey to the present will always be the most difficult journey because it is a conscious journey.•Uncreated Light is mission accomplished.••True gratitude is the transformation of suffering.•We have to […]


Right here

Right here is the most beautiful place.••The more one shares the light, the more presence one receives.••Conscious Love is magic and unconscious love is tragic; Presence is magic and sleep […]

the bird - painting 1867

Everything is simple

We have become simple enough to understand that everything is simple.••“A twentieth-century author said, “Each moment is a place you’ve never been.” With uncreated light, each moment is the place […]