Veil of Imagination

One needs to give up who one imagines one is to become who one truly is without imagination.


When you do not see the lower self, he sees you and veils you. We escape by chipping away little by little at what veils us.


We must not be fond of what veils us.


Robert Earl Burton thoughts on the Veil of Imagination

Technology is useful if one is present to it. It becomes a trap if one falls asleep to it, because one is fond of what veils one. Although the lower self is incapable of recognizing something higher than itself, it is capable of destroying anything higher than itself.


Imagination is an addictive sleeping pill.


Robert Earl Burton thoughts on the Veil of Imagination

To escape, first you need to know that you are in prison. You cannot become twice-born if you do not know you are in imagination.


Establishing presence over imagination is the most difficult of all endeavors.