
Angels can hear our thoughts

Angels can hear our thoughts. They can also give us thoughts, like work ‘I’s.•ˆUncreated Light breaks the identification with any of the teachings or traditions.•Keep doing what you are doing… […]

Esoteric Images

A loving gift from the Absolute

Our divine presence comes as a loving gift from the Absolute.••Why talk about uncreated light when you have it?•It requires sleep to judge.••The lower self is an irrational figure. You […]


Time passes so quickly

Time passes so quickly, but for us it all ends in Immortality.••Uncreated Light is the conscious Art of the soul being present to itself.•It is special when we create the […]


The ultimate escape

The ultimate escape is uncreated light.••Useless thoughts beckon us to imagination.•Hysterical queens are where you find misunderstandings.••The trick is to be an ordinary person with divine presence and there is […]