Esoteric Egypt

Esoteric knowledge

Egypt is the greatest depository of timeless esoteric knowledge.••Life does not know what is possible. We have become what is possible: Uncreated Light.•Angels are the number one conscious creation of […]


An emergency

It is always an emergency; we just do not know it. It is either sleep or presence.••Everything the state of uncreated light looks at is meaningful because that is the […]



Our strength is in our ordinariness, through which we become extraordinariness.••We have done everything right to receive uncreated Light.•The sequence stabilizes our thinking.•In regards to our gift, the price is […]


A quiet mind

One could not possess uncreated Light if one did not have a quiet mind.••Our hearts beat for presence.•Self-remembering is not only the greatest wonder of the world, it is the […]