
It is always a beautiful day

It is always a beautiful day with Uncreated Light, World 12, the starry world in conscious form.•The miracle doesn’t stop, it becomes increasingly miraculous.••Where there is memory, there is presence.•Gratitude […]


We are escaping the professor

We are escaping the professor – the lower self, who professes presence but does not have it.•At the Beginning of the 20th century, the arts started to become unhappy.••Ouspensky said […]


The words have no meaning

The words have no meaning. One has to be the words.•We are becoming conscious light.••Everything is incompatible with presence except presence.•There is no way to grow consciously without Influence C.••Alexander […]


Falling for imagination

Falling for imagination is the number one cause of death for man.•Imagination is the natural unconscious state of man. Uncreated Light is the natural state of conscious man.••The more present […]